omg.... OMG! We have completely lost our minds here at Elings!
Life got busy, things hit a lull - you know how it goes... getting stuck in the same old rut in life! And then we thought, Whoa! What's going on?! Time to wake up, spread the word on Elings and make someone's day brighter - 400 times brighter!
You can check out everything you need to know about our September giveaway here! I strongly encourage you all to enter! It's simple, there is nothing mandatory to do, and there are no strings attached! So be sure to tell others and help spread the word! The more Elings becomes popular and a household name, the more we will continue to pass our gratitude on to our loyal customers such as yourself!
Thanks again for your business and sticking with us! We hope you continue to enjoy our products and all of the fun promotions and great deals we have coming up for you!